Archive for May, 2008

Narnia: Prince Caspian, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Iron Man

Da lama gak x review movie coz da agak lama x tgk movie tapi in the last week, KC and aku pi tgk 3 movie sekaligus. Bila x tgk…x tgk langsung…bila da mula tgk….back to back!

The first one is Narnia: Prince Caspian. Kitorang tgk kat TGV Jusco Balakong. To be honest, the 2nd inception was not as good as the 1st one but, I still enjoyed it. Ada part yang agak membosankan. Aku xtau mana satu part yang aku paling suka but I think the biggest impact I had was biler the Water God appeared. Tue memang effect cun punya la! Other than that, the story line was ok, I didn’t read the book so I won’t know how to compare. At first aku x paham ending dia bila Aslan kata yang Lucy and Edward will return Narnia later but the older 2, Peter and Susan xkan. So, aku tanya la uncle aku…dia kata coz Narnia tue untuk kanak-kanak je. Meaning that the older 2 da meningkat usia so diorang xbole la nak balik ke Narnia. Ntah betul ke x….takpela. It’s only a movie. Hmm…I think there’s not much to say about it. Out of 5 stars, I think I’ll give it 3. 🙂

The 2nd one we saw was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Movie ni, aku, KC, Ian and uncle aku pi tengok kat GSC Signature Cinemas…ala yang kat The Gardens tue. Mahal siot! RM20 satu tiket tapi ok la coz memang best la tempat duduk dia. The seats bukan cam cinema biasa, kan biasa yang bahagian tengah dia byk seat semua bersambungan kan…yang ni seat dia semua 1 pair. Means cam sofa…untuk 2 orang nyer. Kat tepi dia ada meja kecik attached to the seat. Dasyat giler la. Seat dia pon bole menyandar ke belakang skit. Then Ian kata kalau kita order cake atau minuman, dia akan hantar kepada kita dalam cinema. Aku xtau la coz aku xtry. But watever pon, memang gempaq. Ok…now about the movie, seperti biasa Indiana Jones movie memang best la coz dia cam adventure. Kali ni pon, x menghampakan cuba ending dia la yang x logik sangat coz ada makhluk asing then ada UFO…ada gak kebodohannya. Ada satu part tue dia tunjuk semut gergasi…banyak sangat. Geli siot!!!! But…overall ok la. Aku bagi 4 bintang. 🙂

Semalam, kitorang pi tgk Iron Man plak kat Cineleisure Damansara. I know it’s kinda late coz da beberapa minggu kluar tapi xpe coz senang dapat seat yang best. was really worth it. This movie as many of you know is based on a Marvel comic book cam X-Men. Effect dia memang cun la terutamanya part Tony Starks nak pakai costume Iron Man tue. Jalan cerita dia memang cun…a guy yang asalnya manufacture and jual senapang, lepas ditangkap oleh orang yang menggunakan senapang dia untuk motif jahat, berubah pendirian untuk redeem himself by building a suit yang boleh tahan semua senjata yang sebelum ni dia jual. Satu lagi perubahan adalah before the insiden, dia kaki pompuan, after the insiden….setia pada satu…Pepper Potts. 🙂 I better don’t tell you the rest in case korang x tgk lagi. But…there is definitely going to be a Part 2 coz at the end tetiba ada satu guy bernama Nick Fury mintak pertolongan Iron Man and harap-harap kat Part 2, dia akan kahwin ngn Pepper tue la ek! For this movie aku bagi 5 bintang! Woohoo!!!

Juara Akademi Fantasia dan American Idol 2008

Pada 22 Mei, David Cook telah dinobatkan sebagai American Idol Ke-7. Walaupun aku expect David lagi satu menang, David Archuleta tapi it turned out to be that David Cook won by 12 million votes. WOW…that’s alot!!! On the night of the final performance, David Archuleta mendapat pujian yang lebih daripada pengkritik…..ingatkan dia da menang tapi tengok-tengok orang Amerika telah membuat keputusan yang berbeza. Maybe la….apa yang telah dikritik oleh Simon terutamanya telah menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati oleh peminat David Cook yang membuatkan dia menang dengan begitu besar sekali. Walaubagaimanapun….congrats to David Cook!!! You’ll be a big star and to David Archuleta….you will also be a big star!

Semalam pulak, 24 Mei adalah hari di mana Stacy telah diberi pengiktirafan sebagai JUARA AKADEMI FANTASIA MUSIM KE-6.  I was so relief bila Riz was announced 2nd then tinggal Stacy and Nubhan je….then obviously Stacy da menang coz Nubhan memang X layak untuk digelar juara!  Standard dia langsung x smpi standard Stacy mahupun Nadia.  Yang sedihnya, Nadia dapat tempat ke-5.  Memang x patut!  Nadia is so much better then Toi and Nubhan.  Pada pendapat aku, dia lebih bagus daripada Riz pon tapi xpe la…Riz okla dapat nombor 2.  At least pun, Nadia 3rd la…ni sampai tempat ke-5.  Hampeh tol!  Persembahan Toi mlm tadi at least lebih baik daripada persembahan dia yang lepas tapi still x best coz suara dia mendatar je….flat je….cmne la dia boleh smpi final pon aku xtau la.  But anyway….aku puas ati coz STACY juara!!!  YAHOO!!!  Dia memang konsisten dalam semua persembahan dia daripada awal smpi akhir.  GO STACY!!!!

Lagi satu aku nak komen ialah persembahan pelajar AF6 yang lain.  Diorang nyanyi lagu “Heal the World”…..AIYO…HANCUS!!!!

Akhir sekali…CONGRATULATIONS kepada DAVID COOK and STACY….!!!

What’s Wrong With This Scenario?

Ok, so..i don’t know where to start..but I’m a bit frustrated today..but I just don’t know where to start..but here goes the blabbing..Ok just now I have this tutorial class on Kaedah mengajar or Teaching Methods..and we have to present like for 40 minutes in front of the whole class..this is a class where you’ll act like a real teacher and your classmates will act like their your students (this course is actually similar to Micro Teaching)..and we are required to choose a subject to be taught for 40 minutes equal to 1 masa pengajaran in class..then I suggested to my partner we do ICT subject since we are going to be ICT teachers and suddenly two of my classmates menyampuk and told us “Oh, then U guys have to teach in English since It’s the silibus”..then I said..No problem..then my partner gave excuses and said she’s not familiar with it..and suggested teaching Math or Science but those two are in English too..and I heard from my other classmates that they’re not teaching those subjects just cause it has to teach in english..I was totally bummed! And lastly I have to satisfied with teaching Kemahiran Hidup subject..duhhh..What the..whyyyy whyyyy are they so narrow minded..come on..lastly when u go to school..u have i mean u MUST teach in English..urghh I’m so it that hard to teach in English or is it that hard for any of u to have conversation in English..when it comes down to this what’ll I get is that..Ohhh..takpalah you’re good in English..hang terer boleh lah..what kind of thinking is that?? Is this what the teaching world is like nowadays??..I’m totally frustrated..then if i go and teach in english or speak in english i’ll get like..oh she’s so belagak..oh come on! what’s wrong with this scenario??

No wonder people are complaining ’bout the teacher’s quality..and this is only what I see in my class..DPLI class which are consist of experienced degree workers who wanted to escape the clutch of tiring workloads..I mean..If u’re experienced..then u must be able to speak you applied for this course..then you must take up the challenge of being a teacher..being a teacher means you have to teach and give new knowledge to your students..bringing them up to be a better person and being a teacher also means that you are learning new things and knowledge too..a teacher is a role model..sheeshhh….I’m totally frustrated..the thing is that I found that they’re too shy cause the might get it wrong..but come on lah..we learn and improve from our mistakes right?? And guess what?? In my class..we have like 30+ TESOL students (more likely English teachers) and guess what ?? There are some of them who r not that good in English..If you’re going to be an English teacher, then you have to master that language right?? I’m not saying that I’m very good in this but I tried my best..I learn..few years ago..I’m not this good in English..I don’t even dare to speak up coz I’m scared that I’ll be a laughing stock..but I took up the initiative to learn..and I’m getting better day by day..Its not that hard..what’s hard is to have the will..When there’s a will there is always a way or in Malay Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih..right??

Who’s gonna win American Idol Season 7???

Hey peepz! Da lama aku x memblog. Busy la these pass 2 weeks. At least sekarang ada la masa untuk duduk mengadap pc lama skit.

Neway, as in the title above….I watched the finals of Americal Idol Season 7 tadi kat umah pakcik aku. The finals was between two Davids; David Archuleta and David Cook. Both are different, Archuleta with his pop, RnB style and Cook with his rocker voice. They each sang 3 songs and personally I felt Archuleta performed better than Cook. My prediction is the younger David, Archuleta will be crowned the winner of American Idol 7!!! Bila dia nyanyi tadi, bulu roma pon naik. Persembahan David Cook bukannya x best…best gak tapi x sebest David Archuleta. This is my personal opinion la. Anyway…kita tgk results show esok….tapi yang pastinya…aku sokong DAVID ARCHULETA!!!!

Miss Low (tutor database)

Ni gambar latest Ms Low dengan student dia kat UTAR lam 2 minggu lepas. just to inform, dia dah hbs bljr n akan grad August ni.


Hari ni aku g balakong teman tay amik banner n bunting ukm open isnin ni. dah lalu jusco tuh, tertarik la pulak nengok banner JUSCO SALE kan. hehe.. pastu pulak NARNIA dah kuar. kitorg cuba naseb je la kot2 ada lg seat best yg tinggal. yeah! dpt tgk dgn seat yg strategik. Dr. Norazan pon ada gak lam hall tu. dgn anak2 dia. besh! (walopon aku xtgk part 1). puas ati la. aku lunch kat Bistro. not bad. 30 hengget utk 2 org. kenyang sampai ke ptg (kira ok la tu sb perut aku skg cepat lapar =p). set yg aku makan tu, hotdog yg di roll dgn ayam&cheese pastu digoreng, air watermelon&bubble tea. tay nyer honeydew (air tu memuak kan. rasa susu sgt.). pastu bershopping shoppingan :D.

kemudian? ermm….. rasa nak g fish spa lah. hehe.. kitorg g FISHO kat metro point kajang (x sama dgn yg kat pavillion). rm30 utk 40 minit (seb baik x g pavillion. buang masa, buang minyak, buang duit 8 hengget). memula letak kaki, aku xleh brenti gelak. geli gila. dah lama2 br ok. sampai si tay xmo blk. (xsakit ke? tak sakit pon.) so, len kali leh g lagi. FISHO ni ada gak kat sunway (bukan dlm sunway pyramid.).

May 16,07

Skg 1630 hrs. ngntuk yg amat. xsabar sgt nk blk umah. minggu ni keje meletihkan dan bosan!. selasa mlm, tgh tdo, dapat msg dari senior team ckp esok(rabu) kena keje lbh masa dari biasa sb kena btol kan error online content dan kena hbs kan jugak walo mcmana sekali pon. rabu, buat punya buat, byk nyer kena btol kan. dah le xcukup sorang. dia MC. aku n kanaga wat secepat yg mgkn tp sampai kol 11 mlm pon xsempat siap jugak. sb kan dh lewat, bos bg blk n janjikan kami dpt pulang awal pd esok nyer (khamis). ari khamis, aku g keje mcm biasa walopon still penat n ngntuk. smbg blk keje yg xsiap tp mcm error tu xkan berakhir. mimpi nak blk time lunch x kesampaian. last2 aku n kanaga blk kol 5. 😦 awal sejam jek. cakit ati. pastu aku trus ke sunway nengok budak2 ukm main utk MASUM. cedih nyer tgk kekasih gelap miss pin. lepas satu, satu. waaaaaaaaaaaaaa! kenapakah??

May 16, 2007. antara hari2 yg kita tgh sebok siapkan tesis. tay sampai xtdo lgsg mlm tu. aku lak leh je tdo lena. bgn je pg may 17, aku rasa sedih sgt. tgk2 brg2 tay semua dah siap pack. pg may 17 07 pg terakhir kita breakfast sama2. semua ada. pg2 buta dah tercongok kat al-fariz. sedih je masa tu. lam pale asik pk je bila la lagi akan bertemu semua. (sekarang kita msh menjenguk 1 sama lain. yeay!)

itu antara kenangan yg xluput dalam ingatan aku. sampai bila2. n smg kita sentiasa ada di sisi di kala antara kita memerlukan. papehal pon, hari ni 16 May! SELAMAT HARI GURU!

Selamat Hari Ibu!

Ibu, Mama, Mummy, Mak, Ma, Bonda, Umi…, xkira lah apa panggilan yg kita bg kat wanita yang telah membesarkan kita tu, anak-anak mu ini mendoakan semoga dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik, dimurahkan rezeki. Walaupun jauh di mata tetapi mereka tetap di hati. Jasa mereka tidak ternilai dengan wang ringgit. Seorang ibu boleh menjaga 10 orang anak tetapi belum tentu 10 orang anak dapat menjaga seorang ibu. Jagalah mereka selagi mereka masih ada. Jangan sesekali jadi anak derhaka.

KC&umi nya

 Tay&mummy nya



.: sowie, aku xde gambor yg lain2 utk diletak d cni:.